financial inclusion technology
Including communities in economies through technology
Finclude is FinTech
Solution for
- Banks (aggregation);
- Utility companies (distribution of tokens and collections);
- Financial services (distribution of tokens and collections);
- Content providers and PayTV (distribution of tokens and collections);
- Education,Campus and Memberships (Community commercialisation);
pan african inclusion
We do it best when you want to take on Africa with one partner whether it is getting your product to Africa or bringing Africa´s products to you
Finclude ́s Financial Inclusion technology is a suite of products and services that will allow you to manage and reconcile the full value chain of value added services and deliver it to communities of clients.
Inclusion is second nature to a community all you need to add is us
The Finclude offering has at goal financial inclusion. We approach this worldwide goal from four angles:
Finclude offers a set solution for each of these areas above namely:
Supply and distribution solutions - Managing the distribution of tokens and VAS across various channels including own offices, digital channels, banks, retail and informal;
Merchant solutions - The need from stores, chains and multi country retail and banks to aggregate VAS across borders and categories;
White label - Earning revenue from a community of associated people such as clients, students, members, by simply white labelling our solution for your community;
Alternative payment solutions (Pay your own way) - We offer the widest range of Mobile Money acceptance for Multi Lane Retailers in Africa;